The E2A gene encodes the E47 and E12 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcri
ption factors. T cell development in E2A-deficient mice is partially arrest
ed before lineage commitment. Here we demonstrate that E47 expression becom
es uniformly high at the point at which thymocytes begin to commit towards
the T cell lineage. E47 protein levels remain high until the double positiv
e developmental stage, at which point they drop to relatively moderate leve
ls, and are further downregulated upon transition to the single positive st
age. However, stimuli that mimic pre-T cell receptor (TCR) signaling in com
mitted T cell precursors inhibit E47 DNA-binding activity and induce the bH
LH inhibitor Id3 through a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-dependen
t pathway. Consistent with these observations, a deficiency in E2A proteins
completely abrogates the developmental block observed in mice with defects
in TCR rearrangement. Thus E2A proteins are necessary for both initiating
T cell differentiation and inhibiting development in the absence of pre-TCR
expression. Mechanistically, these data link pre-TCR mediated signaling an
d E2A downstream target genes into a common pathway.