We report a phylogenetic analysis of approximately 1330 bases of mitochondr
ial DNA sequence for eight species of the Anolis roquet series (Anolis aene
us, Anolis bonairensis, Anolis extremus, Anolis griseus, Anolis luciae, Ano
lis richardi, Anolis roquet, Anolis trinitatus). These data contain 410 cha
racters that are parsimony informative for the. A. roquet series plus three
outgroup species. A parsimony analysis of these data, combined with previo
usly published allozymic data, reveals a single most parsimonious tree with
strong support for seven internal branches. Anolis bonairensis and A. luci
ae are sister taxa and together form a sister taxon to a group containing t
he other species. Relationships among A. griseus, A. trinitatus, and a clad
e containing the remaining species are unresolved. Within the latter clade,
A. richardi is the sister taxon to a group containing A. aeneus, A. extrem
us, and A. roquet, with the latter two species being sister taxa. Reanalysi
s of previously published allozymic data produces no conflicts with the mtD
NA tree for well-supported branches. Parsimony analysis of the combined all
ozymic and DNA data gives a tree identical in topology to the tree resultin
g from the DNA analysis alone. In contrast to earlier studies, our phylogen
etic analyses indicate that neither the small-bodied (A. aeneus, A. trinita
tus) nor the large-bodied (A. griseus, A. richardi) species form monophylet
ic groups.