Highly proliferative normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHK) were isolat
ed from human foreskin biopsies, cultivated in serum-free medium and charac
terized by flow cytometry. The expression of cytokeratin 19, cytokeratin 14
and vimentin indicated that the suspension contained a high percentage of
undifferentiated cells of the basal epidermal layer. The NHK were transfect
ed in vitro with lipid/DNA complexes made of Effectene or Lipofectamine and
different reporter genes. The transfection efficiency of Effectene/DNA com
plexes was 20fold higher compared to Lipofectamine. Transfected keratinocyt
es continued to grow and developed within 2 weeks a cellular multilayer (3-
D culture). Areas of transfected cells were detected within this layer.