Sm. Sheikh et al., Normal conduction of surface action potentials in detubulated amphibian skeletal muscle fibres, J PHYSL LON, 535(2), 2001, pp. 579-590
1. The influence of the transverse (T) tubules on surface action potential
conduction was investigated by comparing electrophysiological and confocal
microscopic assessments of tubular changes in osmotically shocked and contr
ol fibres from frog sartorius muscle.
2. The membrane-impermeant fluorescent dye, di-8-ANEPPs spread readily from
the bathing extracellular solution into the tubular membranes in control,
intact fibres. Prior exposure of muscles to a hypertonic glycerol-Ringer so
lution, its replacement by an isotonic Ca2+-Mg2+ Ringer solution and coolin
g sharply reduced such access. In contrast, dye application in the course o
f this osmotic shock procedure stained the large tubular vacuoles hitherto
associated with successful muscle detubulation.
3. Conduction velocities in intact, control fibres (1.91 +/- 0.048 m s(-1),
mean S.E.M., n = 32 fibres) agreed with earlier values reported at room te
mperature (18-21 degreesC) and were unaffected by prior episodes of steady
cooling to 8-10 degreesC (1.91 +/- 0.043 m s(-1), n = 30).
4. Cooling to 11.5 degreesC reduced these velocities (1.47 +/- 0.081 m s(-1
), n = 25) but action potential waveforms still included early overshoots a
nd the delayed after-depolarizations associated with tubular electrical act
5. In contrast, action potentials from cooled, superficial fibres in osmoti
cally shocked muscles lacked after-depolarization phases implying tubular d
etachment. Their mean conduction velocities (1.62 +/- 0.169 m s(-1), n = 25
) were not significantly altered from values obtained in untreated controls
or in intact fibres in muscle similarly treated with glycerol, in direct c
ontrast to earlier results.
6. Cooling produced similar reductions in maximum rates of voltage change d
V/dt in action potentials from all fibre groups with lower rates of change
shown by detubulated fibres.
7. Use of an antibody to a conserved epitope of the alpha -subunit of volta
ge-gated sodium channels suggested a concentration of sodium channels close
to the mouths of the T tubules.
8. These electrophysiological and anatomical findings are consistent with a
partial independence of electrical events in the transverse tubules from t
hose responsible for the rapid conduction of surface regenerative activity.
9. The findings are discussed in terms of a partial separation of the elect
rical activity propagated over the surface membrane, from the initiation of
propagated activity within the T tubules, by the triggering of the sodium
channels clustered selectively around the mouths of the T tubules.