Decreases in wild catches coupled with increased regulations have attracted
interest in the production of farm-raised live bait shrimp. Recent refinem
ents in penaeid culture techniques suggest that the production of live bait
is a potentially profitable endeavor. In this study, live bait shrimp deal
ers in Texas were surveyed by mail. The return rate was 8%. Returned survey
s were found to be from 33 businesses from various locations over the entir
e Texas Coast. The information collected provides a small database that can
be used to provide a broad and general view of the Texas market demand for
farm-raised live bait shrimp. Texas market dynamics were characterized in
terms of regional demands and seasonal fluctuations. Most live bait retail
suppliers in Texas have been operating for 6-20 years, and during any given
year they are able to meet the market demands for two only months. Most re
tailers expressed acceptance of a farm-raised product if it was of good qua
lity and consistently supplied.