The authors describe and illustrate an integrated trio of software programs
for carrying out surface-based analyses of cerebral cortex. The first comp
onent of this trio, SureFit (Surface Reconstruction by Filtering and Intens
ity Transformations), is used primarily for cortical segmentation, volume v
isualization, surface generation, and the mapping of functional neuroimagin
g data onto surfaces. The second component, Caret (Computerized Anatomical
Reconstruction and Editing Tool Kit), provides a wide range of surface visu
alization and analysis options as well as capabilities for surface flatteni
ng, surface-based deformation, and other surface manipulations. The third c
omponent, SuMS (Surface Management System), is a database and associated us
er interface for surface-related data. It provides for efficient insertion,
searching, and extraction of surface and volume data from the database.