To elucidate the mechanism of carbohydrate accumulation by two developing p
umpkins (kabocha), 'Miyako'(Cucurbita maxima Duch.) and 'Hayato'(Cucurbita
moschata Duch.), which differ in taste and textures when cooked, their carb
ohydrate compositions were compared. The changes of total sugar content dur
ing fruit growth differed between 'Miyako' and 'Hayato'. The total sugar co
ntent of 'Miyako' fruit increased gradually after 30 days from flowering( D
AF) while that of 'Hyato' fruit increased steadily during fruit growth. 'Mi
yako' fruit accumulated starch faster than did fruits of 'Hayato'. A high n
egative correlation exists between starch and moisture contents in both cul
tivars, indicating that the moisture content decreased as starch content in
creased. Raffinose oligosaccharides, monosaccharides and sucrose were the p
rincipal soluble sugars accumulated by the fruit. Raffinose oligosaccharide
content was higher in 'Hayato' than in 'Miyako'.