The correlation between the composition of vinyl polymer tannages and their
properties were studied by using the two-power regression orthogonal desig
n.(1) KK monomers (AN-acrylonitrile, AM-acrylic amide, MAA-methyl acrylic a
cid, MMA-methyl methacrylate, VAc-vinyl acetate, EA-ethyl acrylate) were ch
osen to copolymerize xith acrylic acid (AA) to form the corresponding copol
ymers. Using these copolymers as tannages, ten indexes of retanning propert
ies, e.g. thickness increment, shrinking temperature increment, phys-mech p
roperties, compressibility factor(2), were measured. Using regression analy
sis the experimental cognitive equations relating properties with compositi
on of tannages were derived. The form is y(p) = ax(2) + bx + c (p, a, b, c
are regression parameters). The influences of tannages composed with differ
ent comonomers on the properties of leather samples are also discussed.