Both isotropic and uniaxially anisotropic media capable of supporting backw
ard waves are reviewed. Such an effect recently has been of great interest,
and certain man-made composite media hate been introduced tinder the names
"media with negative refraction factor" or "left-handed materials," effect
ive in a certain band of microwaves. Neither of these names appears to be w
ell founded, and "backward-wave medium" (or BW medium) is suggested instead
. It is shown that, at an interface of a regular and a BW medium, Snell's l
aw does not imply a negative refraction factor. However, the refraction is
anomalous in the sense that the transmitted plane wave is a backward wave w
ith a Poynting vector and a wave vector pointing in opposite lateral direct
ions. The significance of the Zenneck wave and guided modes in a cylindrica
l guide made of BW medium is discussed. Finally, the BW property is extende
d to uniaxially, anisotropic media, and its occurrence is studied fbr diffe
rent value combinations of its medium parameters. It is shown that a latera
l backward wave can arise when a plane wave is transmitted through an inter
face when one of the four parameters of the uniaxial medium is negative. (C
) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.