Although crystals are usually quite stable, they are sensitive to a disorde
red environment: even an infinitesimal amount of impurities can lead to the
destruction of crystalline order(1). The resulting state of matter has bee
n a long-standing puzzle. Until recently it was believed to be an amorphous
state in which the crystal would break into 'crystallites'(2). But a diffe
rent theory(3) predicts the existence of a novel phase of matter: the so-ca
lled Bragg glass, which is a glass and yet nearly as ordered as a perfect c
rystal. The 'lattice' of vortices that contain magnetic flux in type II sup
erconductors provide a good system to investigate these ideas(4). Here we s
how that neutron-diffraction data of the vortex lattice provides unambiguou
s evidence for a weak, power-law decay of the crystalline order characteris
tic of a Bragg glass. The theory also predicts accurately the electrical tr
ansport properties of superconductors; it naturally explains the observed p
hase transitions(4-6) and the dramatic jumps in the critical current(7,8) a
ssociated with the melting of the Bragg glass. Moreover, the model explains
experiments as diverse as X-ray scattering in disordered liquid crystals(9
,10) and the conductivity of electronic crystals(11,12).