A medical application subgroup of The SPring-8 Users Society drew up a plan
of a building design for a Biomedical Imaging Center (BMIC) in cooperation
with RIKEN.(1) From our experiences of more than 15 years in this field we
have found that various energies of monochromatic X-rays, strong photon de
nsities, as well as large exposure fields are necessary, and will thus impl
ement them in the BMIC. We therefore proposed the installation of an undula
tor and a wiggler. The BMIC is located 200m from the light source to obtain
a 20cm-wide exposure field supposing that the wiggler device is installed
at the light source. White X-rays from the undulator irradiate a target ele
ment generating fluorescent. semi-monochromatic. and widely spread X-rays.
Monochromatic X-rays, K-alpha, may be specifically extracted by cutting off
the K-beta component. A monochromatic undulator beamline is now being cons
tructed. The last light source should be the wiggler to cover a wide range
of medical applications. (C), 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve