We study the spectrum of open strings on AdS(2) branes in AdS(3) in an NS-N
S background, using the SL(2, R) WZW model. When the brane carries no funda
mental string charge, the open string spectrum is the holomorphic square ro
ot of the spectrum of closed strings in AdS(3). It contains short and long
strings, and is invariant under spectral flow. When the brane carries funda
mental string charge, the open string spectrum again contains short and lon
g strings in all winding sectors. However, branes with fundamental string c
harge break half the spectral flow symmetry. This has different implication
s for short and long strings. As the fundamental string charge increases, t
he brane approaches the boundary of AdS(3). In this limit, the induced elec
tric field on the worldvolume reaches its critical value, producing noncomm
utative open string theory on AdS(2). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All ri
ghts reserved.