Cervical cancer is world-wide the second most frequent cancer found in wome
n and represents 12% of all female malignancies. In fact, it is the most co
mmon female cancer in developing countries. There is now sufficient evidenc
e to recommend that women with locally advanced cervical cancer confined to
the pelvis receive concurrent pelvic radiation and chemotherapy. New surgi
cal techniques such as laparoscopically assisted radical vaginal hysterecto
my and trachelectomy (a fertility-preserving radical operation technique) a
re being, established and have to be evaluated for their long-term safety.
Causal treatment by developing multivalent antiviral drugs and vaccines is
no longer a pure theoretical approach. Despite these improvements, the earl
y diagnosis by colposcopy and gynaecological cytology remains the safest me
thod to ensure early treatment avoiding death of cervical cancer.