The half-life of Ba-130 due to multichannel weak decay (2B(+), 2EC, and EC
beta (+)) has been determined for the first time by the measurement of the
Xe-130 daughter accumulated in natural barite (BaSO4) from the Belorechensk
oe deposit in North Caucasus, Russia. The accumulation time was determined
from U-Xe and K-Ar gas-retention ages measured in the same material. yieldi
ng a half-life for Ba-130 for all weak decay modes of 2.2+/-0.5 X 10(21) yr
(68% C.L.), about a factor of 2 lower than that predicted by the proton-ne
utron quasiparticle random phase approximation. From excess Xe-132 observed
in this barite, the half-life for weak decay of Ba-132 can be estimated (T
-1/2 = 1.3+/-0.9 X 10(21) yr). However, this value is more tentative. since
other sources of this isotope cannot be excluded, but the lower limit of 2
.2X10(21) yr remains firm.