In a modern viewpoint relativistic quantum field theory is an emergent phen
omenon arising in the low-energy corner of the physical fermionic vacuum -
the medium, whose nature remains unknown. The same phenomenon occurs in con
densed matter systems: In the extreme limit of low-energy condensed matter
systems of special universality class acquire all the symmetries, which we
know today in high-energy physics: Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, ge
neral covariance, etc. The chiral fermions as well as gauge bosons and grav
ity field arise as fermionic and bosonic collective modes of the system. In
homogeneous states of the condensed matter ground state - vacuum - induce n
ontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles mov
e along geodesics. This conceptual similarity between condensed matter and
the quantum vacuum allows us to simulate many phenomena in high-energy phys
ics and cosmology, including the axial anomaly, baryoproduction and magneto
genesis, event horizon and Hawking radiation, cosmological constant and rot
ating vacuum, etc., probing these phenomena in ultra-low-temperature superf
luid helium, atomic Bose condensates and superconductors. Some of the exper
iments have been already conducted. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.