Genetically engineered strains of mice, modified by transgenesis or gene ta
rgeting ("knockouts") are being generated at an impressive rate and used, a
mong other areas, as premiere research tools in deciphering the genetic bas
is of behavior. As behavioral phenotyping strategies continue to evolve, ch
aracterization of these "designer" mice will provide models to evaluate the
efficacy of new pharmacological and gene therapy treatments in human hered
itary diseases. Reported behavioral profiles include aberrant social, repro
ductive, and parental behaviors, learning and memory deficits, feeding diso
rders, aggression, anxiety-related behaviors, pain/analgesia, and altered r
esponses to antidepressants, antipsychotics, ethanol, and psychostimulant d
rugs of abuse. The Induced Mutant Resource (IMR) at The Jackson Laboratory
(TJL, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) imports, cryopreserves, develops, maintains, and
distributes biomedically important stocks of transgenic and targeted mutan
t mice to the research community. Information on neurological/behavioral st
rains - including behavioral performance, husbandry requirements, strain av
ailability, and genetic typing protocols - is provided through the IMR. dat
abase (http:// A catalog of availabl
e strains is readily accessible via the JAX (R) Mice website at http:// jax In addition, TJL is now host to TBASE (http://tba, a comprehensive, public-domain database with primary emphasis
on mouse knockouts. TBASE contains an exhaustive list of knockout-related c
itations and provides an extensive phenotypic characterization of numerous
behavioral mutants that is extracted directly from the literature. Present
efforts to merge the two resources into a novel, schematically enhanced dat
abase, provisionally named Transgenic and Targeted Mutation Database (TTMD)
, will be briefly discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights rese