Two types of recognition: Direct recognition occurs when the recipients T c
ells recognize allogenic antigens presented by the donor antigen presenting
cells. indirect recognition occurs when donor antigens on recipient antige
n presenting cells are recognized.
Direct recognition: Direct recognition occurs during the first days or week
s after transplantation when naive recipient cells recognize donor dendriti
c cells that have migrated to secondary lymphoid organs. This explains why
acute rejection occurs mainly during the first weeks after transplantation.
Indirect recognition: This is certainly a less intense mechanism than direc
t recognition. It probably is involved in acute rejection but is known to p
lay a major role in chronic rejection. CD4 cells that have been activated b
y indirect recognition play an essential role in activating B cells, leadin
g to the formation of anti-HLA antibodies as well as in activating macropha
ges and monocytes, endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells.
Induction of tolerance: Three mechanisms of action for regulating the allo-
immune response leading to graft tolerance have been put forward: consumpti
on of interleukin-2, production of suppressive cytokins, direct or indirect
suppressive contact.
T cell activation: Knowledge of the intracellular signals induced by T cell
receptor activation makes it possible to target key proteins that could be
blocked leading to better immunosuppression than with calcineurin inhibiti