The countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU) required considerable revisi
on to their budget processes and procedures to establish systems consistent
with transformation from controlled dependencies within a larger planned e
conomy to independent governments of fledgling market-oriented democracies.
This article considers the degree to which preexisting, reforming, and ref
ormed budget systems in FSU countries deliver the basic expectations of a p
ublic sector resource allocation system. Evidence indicates failures to rea
lign budgeting and finance systems designed for command and control environ
ments to the demands of more market based economic systems, with effects of
ten magnified by the hybrid economies of these transitional states. Signifi
cant difficulties and shortcomings in the ability of existing systems to pe
rform basic public sector allocation, management, and control functions are
the result, but some countries are ahead of others and their experience ca
n guide reforms across the FSU.