PURPOSE: To determine differences in coronary artery calcium detection, qua
ntification, and reproducibility, as measured at electron-beam computed tom
ography (CT) and subsecond spiral CT with retrospective electrocardiogram g
ating in an asymptomatic adult population.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy subjects asymptomatic for coronary heart dis
ease underwent both electron-beam CT and subsecond spiral CT. In all subjec
ts, two images each were obtained with both scanners. Two experienced reade
rs using three different algorithms scored each of the four scans: one scor
e for the electron-beam CT images and two scores for the spiral CT images.
RESULTS: With a 130-HU threshold for the quantification of calcium, there w
ere no significant differences in interscan and interobserver variation in
calcium scores between the electron-beam CT and spiral CT images. There was
greater interobserver (P < .001) and interscan (P < .03) variation in scor
es when a 90-HU threshold was used for spiral CT images. With a 130-HU thre
shold, when calcium scores were used for clinical risk stratification, ther
e was a significant difference between the results obtained with electron-b
eam CT and those obtained with spiral CT (P < .05).
CONCLUSION: Spiral CT has not yet proved to be a feasible alternative to el
ectron-beam CT for coronary artery calcium quantification. There are system
atic differences between calcium scores obtained with single-detector array
subsecond spiral CT and those obtained with electron-beam CT.