A total of 4285 malignant neoplasms were recorded in Kingston and St. Andre
w during the period 1993 - 1997, 2344 in females and 1941 in males. The cru
de incidence rate per 100,000 (CIR)for males was 121.6 and for females 129.
2. Age standardized rates per 100,000 (ASR) were 156.7 and 176.7 for males
and females respectively. In males, the leading sites for cancer were prost
ate (619 cases), bronchus (265 cases) and large bowel(144 cases) while in f
emales the leading sites were breast (627 cases) cervix uteri (376 cases) a
nd large bowel (204 cases). The crude and age standardized incidence rates
have remained stable as compared to those for the previous five year period
(1988-1992). The leading sites for both males and females have also been m
aintained in the same order but there was a marked increase in prostate can
cer (ASR 56.4 versus 36). Invasive cervical cancer has shown no significant
change in incidence (ASR 25.2 versus 26.3) but the rate for in-situ cancer
s has decreased (ASR 27.4 versus 43.8). The incidence of cancer of the fema
le breast has remained relatively stable (ASR 43.2 versus 47.1). The trends
exhibited by both prostate cancer and in-situ cervical cancer probably rep
resent the influence of screening methods for prostate cancer and ablative
management for low grade dysplastic lesions of the cervix uteri respectivel