PURPOSE: Previous studies have shown a correlation between measures of soci
al capital and morbidity, mortality, and violent crime. This article examin
es the association across U.S. states between social capital (as measured b
y mutual trust and civic engagement) and firearm availability.
METHODS: The analysis uses OLS to determine degrees of association across U
.S. states. Measures of mutual trust come from responses to questions on th
e U.S. General Social Survey that "you can't be too careful in dealing with
people," and most people "would try to take advantage of you." Measures of
formal civic engagement come from responses to Lifestyle Survey questions
concerning times volunteered, club meetings attended, community projects wo
rked on, and church services attended. Informal civic engagement measures c
ome from responses to number of times bowled, played cards, entertained at
home, and gave or attended dinner parties, and number of greeting cards sen
t. The Lifestyle Survey also asked whether respondent believed whether "mos
t people are honest." The percentage of suicides from firearms, and the ave
rage percentage of suicides and homicides from firearms, are used as proxie
s for state firearm ownership rates. Control variables are the degree of ur
banization, the rates of poverty, and the percentage of nonwhites in the st
RESULTS: Across the U.S. states, higher levels of firearm ownership are ass
ociated with significantly lower levels of mutual trust and civic engagemen
CONCLUSION: While the analysis cannot show causation, states with heavily a
rmed civilians are also states with low levels of social capital. (C) 2001
Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.