Protein powders that are dehydrated or mixed with a glassy compound are kno
wn to have improved thermal stability. We present elastic and quasielastic
neutron scattering measurements of the global dynamics of lysozyme and ribo
nuclease A powders. In the absence of solvation water, both protein powders
exhibit largely harmonic motions on the timescale of the measurements. Upo
n partial hydration, quasielastic scattering indicative of relaxational pro
cesses appears at sufficiently high temperature. When the scattering spectr
um are analyzed with the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts formalism, the exponent
beta decreases with increasing temperature, suggesting that multiple relaxa
tion modes are emerging. When lysozyme was mixed with glycerol, its beta va
lues were higher than the hydrated sample at comparable temperatures, refle
cting the viscosity and stabilizing effects of glycerol.