When young people enter a hospital they are exposed to a foreign world of u
nfamiliar people, medical equipment and language. Children diagnosed with l
eukaemia are particularly vulnerable to repeated exposure to these distress
ing hospital visits. Assessing a child's understanding of the stresses asso
ciated with treatment during hospitalization is now seen as a key element o
f caring for the paediatric patient. A population particularly vulnerable t
o the effects of the stress of intensive treatments during hospitalization
are preschool children. In order to understand the impact on leukaemia pres
chool children of intensive hospital treatment it is necessary to have comp
arative information on healthy peers who have not been exposed to such trea
tment experiences. This article presents findings from recent qualitative r
esearch that explored the beliefs held by healthy preschoolers about what h
appens in hospital, what it means to be sick, their reactions to and knowle
dge of medical equipment and their level of knowledge regarding cancer and
leukaemia. It is the hope and expectation that the findings will be used co
mparatively to contribute to a deeper understanding of the world of the chi
ld coping with leukaemia and related disorders.