Background: Sildenafil, a treatment for erectile dysfunction, is a specific
phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitor that enhances nitric oxide (NO)
-mediated vasodilation in the corpus cavernosum by inhibiting cyclic guanos
ine monophosphate breakdown. Since PDE 5 is widely expressed in the vascula
ture, we examined the hypothesis that sildenafil could enhance NO-mediated
vasodilation in other vascular beds and improve endothelial function.
Methods: NO-mediated responses to acetylcholine (endothelium-dependent) and
nitroglycerin (endothelium-independent) were measured in healthy men in th
e dorsal hand vein (n = 13), after the administration of either sildenafil
50 mg or placebo. Flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery and forearm
postischemic reactive hyperemia were measured before and after sildenafil
50 mg, isosorbide dinitrate 5 mg, and placebo in a double-blind, randomized
, crossover study (n = 11).
Results: In the hand vein, sildenafil administration increased sensitivity
to local nitroglycerin. The 50% effective dose decreased approximately 4-fo
ld from 13.5 ng/min (range, 6.9-26.6 ng/min) to 2.7 ng/min (range, 1.1-6.4
ng/min) (P = .025). Sildenafil decreased the maximum venoconstriction induc
ed by phenylephrine from 81% +/- 3% to 74% +/- 3% (P = .025). Sildenafil di
d not significantly affect the maximal venodilatory response to acetylcholi
ne (35% +/- 7% after placebo versus 32% +/- 8% after sildenafil) (P = .7).
In the arterial vasculature, flow-mediated dilation before (2.4% +/- 1%) an
d after (2.8% +/- 1.4%) sildenafil (P = .8) and postischemic reactive hyper
emia area under the curve before (1807 +/- 393 mL (.) min (.) s/100 mL) and
after (1467 +/- 257 mL (.) min (.) s/100 mL) sildenafil were not different
(P = .8). Resting heart rate, blood pressure, and resting brachial artery
diameter were unchanged after sildenafil administration. Isosorbide dinitra
te, an endothelium-independent vasodilator, caused a significant increase i
n resting brachial artery diameter from 0.53 +/- 0.01 cm to 0.56 +/- 0.02 c
m (P = .005), without altering flow-mediated dilation.
Conclusions: In healthy men sildenafil increased sensitivity to nitroglycer
in, an exogenous NO donor, approximately 4-fold but did not affect endothel
ium-dependent, NO-mediated responses in either the hand vein or forearm vas
culature. Differential vascular responses to sildenafil may localize its en
hancement of endogenous NO-mediated vasodilation to vascular beds such as t
he corpus cavernosum.