The pharmacokinetic parameters of thiamphenicol (TAP) were studied in New Z
ealand white rabbits. Five rabbits were each given thiamphenicol as a singl
e 30 mg/kg of body weight dosage by intravenous (iv), intramuscular (im) an
d oral routes. Serum antibacterial concentrations were determined for 72 h
after dosing. Compartmental modeling of the iv administration indicated tha
t a 2-compartment open model best described the disposition of thiamphenico
l in rabbits. Serum thiamphenicol concentrations after im and oral dosing w
ere best described by a 1-and 2-compartment model, respectively. Overall el
imination half-lives for iv, im and oral routes of administration were 1.39
, 2.45, and 1.44 h, respectively. The half-life of absorption for oral dosi
ng was 1.2 times the half-life of absorption after im dosing (0.49 h vs 0.4
0 h). The calculated time to maximal serum concentration was 1.25 h after i
m dosing and 1.17 h after oral administration. The calculated serum concent
rations at these times were 80.4 and 69.8 mug/ml, respectively. Mean reside
nce time's were 1.89 h for iv injection, 2.78 h for im dosing and 4.11 h fo
r oral administration. Thiamphenicol was widely distributed in the rabbit a
s suggested by the volume of distribution value at steady state of 1.47 I/k
g calculated from the iv study. Bioavailability was 101.4% after im dosing
and 64.2% for oral absorption.