Aims To present the ADKnowl measure of diabetes-related knowledge and evalu
ate its use in identifying the nature and extent of patient and health prof
essional knowledge deficits.
Method The ADKnowl was used in a large-scale study of 789 patients (451 tre
ated with insulin and 338 treated with tablets and/or diet) attending for a
nnual review at one of two hospital out-patient diabetes clinics
Results Knowledge deficits were apparent in the patients. For example, 57%
did not recognize the inaccuracy of the statement 'fresh fruit can be eaten
freely with little effect on blood glucose levels'. Seventy-five percent o
f patients did not know that it is advisable to trim toenails to the shape
of the toe. Knowledge deficits were identified for many other areas of diab
etes management, e.g. prevention of hypoglycaemia, avoidance of ketoacidosi
s. Sixteen health professionals at the clinics answered the same items. Con
trary to recommendations, 25% of health professionals thought that fresh fr
uit could be eaten freely. Seventy-five percent of health professionals did
not know the current recommendations for trimming toenails. As expected, H
bA(1c) did correlate with scores from two specific items, while HbA(1c) did
not correlate with summed ADKnowl score.
Conclusions Patient knowledge deficits were identified. Some specific knowl
edge deficits among health professionals may be the cause of some patient k
nowledge deficits. The ADKnowl is a useful tool in assessing both patient a
nd health professional knowledge deficits and is available for use in a con
text of continuing evaluation.