In this study, four lab-scale microcosms, including gravel-beds with and wi
thout plants, and soil-beds with and without plants, were used to conduct t
he nutrient removal tests. The influent used in the tests is primary treate
d sewage, while the plant selected was Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum).
The purpose of this study is to compare the removal efficiencies of nitrog
enous and phosphorus nutrients among these four microcosm wetland systems b
ased on statistical analyses. Three factors, namely, with/without vegetatio
n (F-1), medium types of gravel/soil (F-2), and time period for the test ru
n of first/second stage (F-3), and four combined effects of factors, F-1 by
F-2 (F-1,F-2), F-1 by F-3 (F-1,F-3), F-2 by F-3 (F-2,F-3), and F-1 by F-2
by F-3 (F-1,F-2,F-3), were run by an ANOVA model to analyze the relationshi
ps between the amounts of nutrient removed from the wetland systems and the
se seven factors. We found that the removals of ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (N
O3--N), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) were related to these factors
and combined effects of the factors. It was found that the main removal me
chanism for NH3-N was nitrification, which could be enhanced by the root zo
ne effect in the vegetated gravel-bed wetland systems, while NO3--N was rem
oved mainly by denitrification and plant uptake in vegetated systems. Howev
er, the main removal mechanism for SRP was chemical adsorption in the unsat
urated soil-bed systems. The effect of plant litter was also a significant
mechanism affecting nutrient removal in the surface flow pattern soil-bed w
etland systems without harvest. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BY. All rights re