The ternary complex factors (TCFs) Net, Elk-1 and Sap-1 regulate immediate
early genes through serum response elements (SREs) in vitro, but, surprisin
gly, their in vivo roles are unknown. Net is a repressor that is expressed
in sites of vasculogenesis during mouse development. We have made gene-targ
eted mice that express a hypomorphic mutant of Net, Net delta, which lacks
the Ets DNA-binding domain. Strikingly, homozygous mutant mice develop a va
scular defect and up-regulate an immediate early gene implicated in vascula
r disease, egr-1. They die after birth due to respiratory failure, resultin
g from the accumulation of chyle in the thoracic cage (chylothorax). The mi
ce have dilated lymphatic vessels (lymphangiectasis) as early as E16.5. Int
erestingly, they express more egr-1 in heart and pulmonary arteries at E18.
5. Net negatively regulates the egr-1 promoter and binds specifically to SR
E-5. Egr-1 has been associated with pathologies involving vascular stenosis
(e.g. atherosclerosis), and here egr-1 dysfunction could possibly be assoc
iated with obstructions that ultimately affect the lymphatics. These result
s show that Net is involved in vascular biology and egr-1 regulation in viv