The insufflation of carbon dioxide into the peritoneal cavity is a rou
tine technique of abdominal exposure in laparoscopic surgery. Because
of adverse physiological effects and technical disadvantages of the pn
eumoperitoneum, alternative methods of abdominal wall lifting have bee
n explored recently. Two groups of retraction systems exist: intraabdo
minal lifting and subcutaneous lifting of the abdominal wall. Some sys
tems require additional pneumoperitoneum, because the extent of intraa
bdominal exposure is not sufficient. Other systems are working complet
ely without gas insufflation. Two systems combine abdominal wall lifti
ng with pressure on the internal organs. Every method allows the use o
f standard laparoscopic instruments, which originally were designed fo
r a regular pneumoperitoneum. The use of a low-pressure pneumoperitone
um in combination with mechanical augmentation of the peritoneal cavit
y reduces physiological disadvantages of laparoscopy. But technical ad
vantages, such as combination of laparoscopic and open techniques, can
be realized only without gas insufflation. Conventional instruments h
ave been designed to fit the ergonomical needs of isopneumic laparosco
py and to be employed with simple valveless cannulae.