The role of Langerhans cells as antigen-presenting cells was examined in ce
rvical carcinomas. Frozen samples were obtained from 34 women with stage lb
and II cervical carcinomas. Langerhans cells (CD1), T lymphocytes (CD4 and
CD8), B lymphocytes (CD22), and natural killer (CD57, NK) cells were all q
uantitatively assessed in cervical carcinomas using immunohistochemical met
hods. These results were related to the MHC class I and II expression on th
e tumor cells. The majority of Langerhans cells were distributed among canc
er cells and they were positively correlated with CD4+, NK and B cells in c
ervical carcinomas. This is suggestive of the presence of local immune resp
onse. The numbers of Langerhans, CD4+, CD8+ and NK cells did not significan
tly correlate with age at operation, lymph node metastases or depth of cerv
ical wall invasion. The downregulation of MHC class I expression found in 8
(24%) carcinomas was not associated with the decrease in the number of imm
unologic cells. The upregulation of MHC class II expression found in 26 (76
%) carcinomas was significantly associated with the increase in the number
of Langerhans cells (p < 0.007). However, the association between the upreg
ulation of MHC-II expression and CD4+ cells did not reach statistical signi
ficance (p < 0.07). This is probably due to a small case in this study. MHC
-II-restricted immunity may partly contribute to the local immune response
in stages lb and II squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Copyrigh
t (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.