We examined apoptosis in paraffin-embedded archival cervical tissues from c
ervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) cases to determine whether the apop
totic process is involved in the cellular changes of CIN. Apoptotic bodies,
determined by the Tunel method, were largely found at the surface epitheli
um in a few tissue specimens with no significant abnormality and in most ti
ssues with CIN. Apoptotic bodies were also found within the stratified epit
helium of CIN lesions and were altogether absent in specimens with no signi
ficant abnormalities. The apoptotic index was significantly associated with
the severity of CIN and not with either age or human papillomavirus infect
ion. Based on the findings of increased numbers of apoptotic bodies and the
ir presence within the stratified epithelium in CIN tissues, we hypothesize
that dysregulation in the exfoliation of apoptotic cells and resistance to
wards apoptosis may be prerequisites for the pathogenesis of CIN. Copyright
(C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.