Mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders are an established cause of liver
failure in early childhood. In some patients, the levels of mitochondrial
DNA are markedly reduced, a condition referred to as mtDNA depletion syndro
me (MDS). We report here on the ultrastructural changes in the livers of 10
infants with the hepatic form of this syndrome. All patients displayed pro
gressive liver failure, neurological abnormalities, hypoglycemia, and lacti
c acidosis that warranted investigation of respiratory chain disorder in li
ver tissue, specifically expressing the disease. Decreased activity of resp
iratory chain complexes containing mtDNA-encoded subunits (complexes I, III
, IV) was shown in 5 patients. Mitochondrial DNA depletion was confirmed by
Southern blot analysis in the livers of 6 patients. We found hepatocytes f
illed with mitochondria having aspects of "oncocytic transformation," assoc
iated with numerous changes in shape, size, cristae, and matrix. The change
s were virtually identical in all specimens. In many hepatocytes, microvesi
cular steatosis was the salient feature. Additional findings included chole
stasis and focal cytoplasmic biliary necrosis (CBN), as well as cytosideros
is in hepatocytes and sinusoidal cells. In some hepatocytes the damage appe
ared extreme, but fibrosis was identified only in the few patients who died
beyond 6 months of age. Although individual ultrastructural findings are n
ot specific, when taken together, they show a diagnostic pattern highly sug
gestive of a respiratory chain disorder. In the appropriate clinical contex
t, these findings can direct the clinician towards the diagnosis of hepatic