One of the most popular investments available in the Canadian market today
is a mutual fund with the added feature of a long term maturity guarantee.
These types of investments are known as segregated funds. They often have v
ery complex option features. Far example, these contracts typically contain
multiple embedded shout options. which permit the holder to reset the guar
antee level and the maturity date for which it applies many times during th
e life of the contract. These funds also provide mortality benefits if the
investor dies prior to the maturity date. This paper explores the valuation
of segregated funds using an approach based on the numerical solution of a
set of linear complementarity problems. Our results indicate that the opti
on components of some of these contracts seem to be underpriced, especially
for riskier funds with relatively high volatilities. This assumes that inv
estors exercise their options optimally. Non-optimal behaviour by investors
of course reduces the values of the embedded options, and we provide some
illustrative results along these lines. We also show that alternative contr
act specifications which generate similar present values may require substa
ntially different proportionate fees, since the expected durations of the c
ontracts can be quite different. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights r