Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the interchan
geability of new Hanau semiadjustable articulators fulfills the manufacture
r's criterion (102 mum) in the mediolateral direction and the defined 166-m
um criterion three dimensionally and whether the articulators maintain the
same interchangeability as new articulators after a period of function. Mat
erials and Methods: The spatial deviations in three dimensions of ten new,
ten 18-month-old, and ten 30-month-old Hanau articulators were measured wit
h a field-inspection gauge and compared to those of a master articulator. R
esults: Compared to the master articulator, nine of 10 new articulators met
the manufacturer's criterion of articulator interchangeability in the medi
olateral direction. However, only four of the 10 articulators fulfilled the
criterion for three-dimensional interchangeability. The articulators were
found to be interchangeable among the groups when the spatial deviations of
test articulators from the master articulator at the position of the lingu
al cusp of the right maxillary first premolar were compared. However, using
the geometric mean deviations of test articulators, the 30-month group was
not interchangeable with the new and the 18-month articulator groups. Conc
lusion: This limited study revealed that most of the articulators tested me
t the manufacturer's criterion of articulator interchangeability, but most
did not pass the three-dimensional interchangeability test. Clinicians shou
ld be aware of the amount of occlusal error in the range of 0.2 mm that may
result from interchanging dental casts on the articulator system. The arti
culator system might be able to maintain the same level of interchangeabili
ty for up to 18 months of routine use.