Purpose: To define a photon-equivalent dose in charged particle therapy one
needs to know the RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness) in the target re
gion as well as in the surrounding tissue. RBE estimates are difficult sinc
e both the physical input parameters, i.e. LET distributions, and. even mor
e so, the biological input parameters, i.e. cell nucleus size and local res
ponse, are not known in general. Track structure theory provides a basis fo
r predicting close response curves for particle irradiation. There are (at
least) two somewhat different algorithms: the Amorphous Track Partition mod
el (ATP) and the Amorphous Track Local effect model (ATL). Both have been r
eported to give good agreement with observed radiobiological data. Ve were
interested in a general comparison and in the predictive power of these mod
els for protons.
Materials and methods: We compared the principles of the two track structur
e approaches. The general dependencies of the model predictions on the inpu
t parameters are investigated. The model predictions for protons with respe
ct to cell survival of V79 cells are compared with measurements.
Results: Although based on similar assumptions, the application of track st
ructure theory in terms of the computational procedure is different for the
two models. The ATP model provides a set of equations to predict inter- an
d intratrack radiation response,whereas the ATL model is based on Monte Car
lo simulations. One conceptual difference is the use of average doses in su
btargets in the ATP model compared with the use of local doses in infinites
imal compartments in the ATL model. The ATP concept introduces an empirical
scaling of the cross-section from subcellular to cellular response. The AT
L concept inherently requires a critical adjustment of parameters handling
the high local dose region near the track centre. The models predict proton
survival curves reasonably well but neither shows good agreement With expe
rimental data over the entire range of proton energy and absorbed dose cons
Conclusion: Designed for heavy ion applications, the models show weaknesses
in the prediction of proton radiation effects. Amorphous track models arc
based on assumptions about the properties of the biological target and the
radiation field that can lie questioned. In particular, the assumption of s
ubtargets and the multitarget/single-hit response function on one hand and
the parameterization of radial dose and high dose cellular response on the
other hand leave question marks.