The optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) technique is pro
mising for constructing a 100-TW/90-fs laser system. This laser system cons
ists of a diode-pumped Nd:phosphate oscillator, two LBO preamplifiers and a
final power KDP amplifier. A noncollinear BBO-I optical parametric amplifi
er pumped by a Q-switched and frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser has been demon
strated. The temporal ly-stretched chirped signal laser pulses with a bandw
idth of 36nm(FWHM) are amplified without limitation in bandwidth and distor
tion in the spectrum. The gain bandwidth is very sensitive to the, pump-sig
nal angle. Variation of this angle of similar to1.5mrad can significantly r
educe the amplified bandwidth and results in a significant distortion of th
e amplified spectrum.