Purpose. To determine the fetal and maternal exposure to radiation by use o
f thermoluminescent dosimeters in order to compare conventional and CT-scan
Materials and methods. Dosimetry was performed with an anthropomorph phanto
m. Thermoluminescent dosimeters were positioned on the surface and in the d
epth of the phantom. Digital radiography of the pelvis was performed accord
ing to a standard technique. CT-scan of the pelvis was performed according
to the Buthiau's technique.
Results. With CT, the dose reached 0.31 to 4.95 mGy, with a dose of 2.32 mG
y for the fetal gonads. With standard technique, the doses reached 0.03 to
0.39 mGy, with a dose of 0.39 mGy for the fetal gonads.
Conclusion. With CT the fetus and the mother were exposed to 1/10th of the
total dose delivered using conventional Xrays and the dose distribution was
more homogenous.