Aim. To describe the proposed Culturally Competent Community Care (CCCC) mo
del, and the process of development and testing of the model.
Background. Community health nurses are challenged to provide culturally co
mpetent care in all types of communities. However, existing models have not
provided community, nurses with Specific guidelines, and none attempt to e
xplain the effects of culturally, competent care oil populations in communi
ty settings. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model that is comprehe
nsive in its description of the dimensions of culturally competent care ill
community-based settings and that also requires a focus on ethnic populati
ons. The model is essential for reducing racial and ethnic health dispariti
Methods. Based on literature review and concept analysis, three constructs
of the Culturally Competent Community Care Model were developed. Two of the
constructs, the health care system and health outcomes, were developed bas
ed on a literature review. The main construct of the model, Cultural compet
ence, was developed after a concept analysis, following the development and
testing of the Cultural Competence Scale (CCS). Interviews with eight comm
unity health nurses and a survey by five community nurse experts were condu
cted in order to refine and confirm the dimensions of Cultural competence a
nd its impact oil health outcomes.
Conclusions. The proposed dimensions of Culturally competent care are carin
g, cultural sensitivity, cultural knowledge, and Cultural skills. This mode
l focuses on the relationship between Cultural competence and health outcom
es for culturally diverse populations. The framework provides specific guid
elines for community nurses in developing and assessing Cultural competence
and meeting the health needs of diverse communities.