We carried out a high-resolution ultrastructural analysis of the nucleolus
in mouse P815 cells by combining specific DNA and RNA staining, anti-fibril
larin immunolabeling, contrast enhancement by energy filtering TEM and phos
phorus mapping by ESI to visualize nucleic acids. We demonstrated that spec
ifically contrasted DNA, fibrillarin and phosphorus overlap within the nucl
eolar dense fibrillar component. Moreover, we describe a 'DNA cloud' consis
ting of an inner core of DNA fibers (fibrillar center) and a periphery made
of extremely thin fibrils overlapping the anti-fibrillarin immunolabeling
(dense fibrillar component). This highly sensitive approach has allowed us
to demonstrate, for the first time, the exact distribution of DNA within th
e decondensed interphase counterpart of the NOR, which includes both the fi
brillar center and the dense fibrillar component.