To be considered for further development, lead structures should display th
e following properties: ( 1) simple chemical features, amenable for chemist
ry optimization; (2) membership to an established SAR series; (3) favorable
patent situation; and (4) good absorption, distribution, metabolism, and e
xcretion (ADME) properties. There are two distinct categories of leads: tho
se that lack any therapeutic use (i.e., "pure" leads), and those that are m
arketed drugs themselves but have been altered to yield novel drugs. We hav
e previously analyzed the design of leadlike combinatorial libraries starti
ng from 18 lead and drug pairs of structures (S. J. Teague et al. Angew. Ch
cm., Int. Ed. Engl. 1999, 38, 3743-3748). Here, we report results based on
an extended dataset of 96 lead-drug pairs, of which 62 are lead structures
that are not marketed as drugs, and 75 are drugs that are not presumably us
ed as leads. We examined the following properties: MW (molecular weight), C
MR (the calculated molecular refractivity), RNG (the number of rings), RTB
(the number of rotatable bonds), the number of hydrogen bond donors (HDO) a
nd acceptors (HAC), the calculated logarithm of the n-octanol/water partiti
on (CLogP), the calculated logarithm of the distribution coefficient at pH
7.4 (LogD(74)), the Daylight-fingerprint druglike score (DFPS), and the pro
perty and pharmacophore features score (PPFS). The following differences we
re observed between the medians of drugs and leads: Delta MW = 69; Delta CM
R = 1.8; Delta RNG = Delta HAC =1; Delta RTB = 2; Delta CLogP = 0.43; Delta
LogD(74) = 0.97, Delta HDO = 0; Delta DFPS = 0.15; Delta PPFS = 0.12. Lead
structures exhibit, on the average, less molecular complexity (less MW, le
ss number of rings and rotatable bonds), are less hydrophobic (lower CLogP
and LogD(74)), and less druglike (lower druglike scores). These findings in
dicate that the process of optimizing a lead into a drug results in more co
mplex structures. This information should be used in the design of novel co
mbinatorial libraries that are aimed at lead discovery.