In recent years, hierarchical model-based clustering has provided promising
results in a variety of applications. However, its use with large datasets
has been hindered by a time and memory complexity that are at least quadra
tic in the number of observations. To overcome this difficulty, this articl
e proposes to start the hierarchical agglomeration from an efficient classi
fication of the data in many classes rather than from the usual set of sing
leton clusters. This initial partition is derived from a subgraph of the mi
nimum spanning tree associated with the data. To this end, we develop graph
ical tools that assess the presence of clusters in the data and uncover obs
ervations difficult to classify. We use this approach to analyze two large,
real datasets: a multiband MRI image of the human brain and data on global
precipitation climatology. We use the real datasets to discuss ways of int
egrating the spatial information in the clustering analysis. We focus on tw
o-stage methods, in which a second stage of processing using established me
thods is applied to the output from the algorithm presented in this article
, viewed as a first stage.