Construction simulation can be a very tedious task requiring expert knowled
ge of simulation modeling. Furthermore, construction projects are relativel
y short lived. As a result, the use of simulation to analyze and improve co
nstruction work processes has not become a routine exercise, although it is
commonly used in some other engineering fields. RISim (Resource-Interacted
Simulation) adopts a resource-oriented methodology to promote an intuitive
feel to simulation modeling. An operation is modeled in two abstraction le
vels, namely, resource and process, and it is viewed as a collection of res
ources and their interactions. Complex resources and simple resources are u
sed to respectively represent resources with or without their own processes
. The key features ensuing from this approach are attempts to simplify the
simulation modeling process. The result is that the complex resources can h
ave a general characterization with the potential for a "plug-in and simula
te" capability. A pipe-laying example employing several resources is presen
ted. The interaction of these resources in the operation should demonstrate
the methodology and potential of this approach.