Two recent articles, by Pimenta and Absalao (1998) and Corgan and Aartsen (
1998), were published for the sole purpose of replacing names of homonyms i
n the Pyramidellidae. Both articles ignored provisions of the International
Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Corgan and Aartsen failed to demonstrate
that the secondary homonyms that they replaced were congeneric with their s
upposed senior homonyms. Both sets of authors failed to demonstrate that th
e names they replaced referred to valid species. Among the replacement name
s by Pimenta and Absalao, Turbonilla nesiotes is a nomen dubium and Turboni
lla sinensis is preoccupied by Clessin, 1900; among those by Corgan and Aar
sten, Turbonilla sulcatella is a nomen dubium and Turbonilla abnormalis is
unnecessary as secondary homonymy did not exist between Chemnitzia ambigua
Saurin, 1962, a Turbonilla, and Turbonilla ambigua Deshayes, 1861, a Syrnol
a. Renaming of homonyms outside the context of systematic revisions leads t
o needless proliferation of names and should be avoided.