In this article I will attempt to refute the claim that the mind is a radic
ally emergent feature of the brain. First, the inter-related concepts of em
ergence, reducibility and constraint are considered, particularly as these
ideas relate to hierarchical biological systems. The implications of radica
l emergence theories of the mind such as the one posited by Roger Sperm; ar
e explored. I then argue that the failure of Sperry's model is based on the
notion that consciousness arises as a radically emergent feature 'at the t
op command' of a non-nested neurological hierarchy. An alternative model, o
ne that avoids the dualism inherent in radical emergence theories, is offer
ed in which the brain is described as producing a nested hierarchy of meani
ng and purpose that has no 'top' or 'summit'. Finally, I will argue there r
emains a non-reducible aspect of consciousness that does not depend upon ra
dical emergence theory, but rather on the mutual irreducibility, of the sub
jective and objective points of view This irreducible aspect of consciousne
ss can be understood as the non-mysterious result of brain evolution and no
rmal neural functioning.