A survey was conducted in Uttar Pradesh to enlist the available exotic fish
species in culture. The culture and feeding details of unofficially introd
uced Clarias gariepinus was collected from 419 pends existing in rural area
s of 23 districts of Uttar Pradesh. The data indicated that 32% ponds were
culturing exotic fishes of which 79% cases are of monoculture of exotic Afr
ican catfish. Feeding analysis of these exotic African catfish revealed tha
t 7% cases subsist on natural pond feed while 29% cases are fed on slaughte
r house waste. In 32% cases of the exotic magur monoculture, chicken waste
was given whereas 11% cases were recorded with fish waste feeding. The poss
ible threats and environmental risks of such unauthorised and indiscreminat
e culture of exotic magur has been discussed in this paper.