Bilingual knowledge maps (BiK-maps) were investigated as tools for learning
German-English word pairs. Seventy-two undergraduate students participated
in the 2-session experiment. They studied 32 word pairs in 1 of 4 conditio
ns, each distinguished by the presentation format for the vocabulary: The I
st group received BiK-maps (word pairs embedded in a spatial and semantic a
rray); the 2nd group studied lists of word pairs; and the 3rd and 4th group
s were identical to the Ist and 2nd groups except for the addition of seman
tic emphasis materials. Free-recall, cued-recall, and multiple-choice tests
were taken in Sessions 1 and 2 (48 hr later). BiK-map learners outperforme
d list learners on all dependent measures. Semantic emphasis negatively aff
ected performance over time.