Protozoa of the order kinetoplastida have colonized many habitats, and
several species are important parasites of humans. Adaptation to diff
erent environments requires an associated adaptation at a cell's inter
face with its environment, i.e. the plasma membrane. Sugar transport b
y the kinetoplastida as a phylogenetically related group of organisms
offers an exceptional model in which to study the ways by which the ca
rrier proteins involved in this process may evolve to meet differing e
nvironmental challenges. Seven genes encoding proteins involved in glu
cose transport have been cloned from several kinetoplastid species, Th
e transporters all belong to the glucose transporter superfamily exemp
lified by the mammalian erythrocyte transporter GLUT1. Some species, s
uch as the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei, which undergo a lif
e cycle where the parasites are exposed to very different glucose conc
entrations in the mammalian bloodstream and tsetse-fly midgut, have ev
olved two different transporters to deal with this fluctuation. Other
species, such as the South American trypanosome Trypanosoma cruzi, mul
tiply predominantly in conditions of relative glucose deprivation (int
racellularly in the mammalian host, or within the reduviid bug midgut)
and have a single, relatively high-affinity type, transporter. All of
the kinetoplastid transporters can also transport D-fructose, and are
relatively insensitive to the classical inhibitors of GLUT1 transport
cytochalasin B and phloretin.