The effect of lung inflation on arterial spin-labeling signal in lung perfu
sion is Investigated. Arterial spin-labeling schemes, called alternation of
selective inversion pulse (ASI) and its hybrid (HASI), which uses blood wa
ter as an endogenous, freely diffusible tracer, were applied to magnetic re
sonance (MR) perfusion imaging of the lung. Perfusion-weighted images of th
e lung from nine healthy volunteers were obtained at different time delays.
There was a significant signal difference in ASI images acquired at differ
ent respiratory phases. Greater signal enhancement has been observed when t
he volunteers performed breath holding on end expiration than on end inspir
ation. This is in agreement with the normal physiologic effect of lung infl
ation on the pressure-flow relationship of pulmonary vasculature. ASI and H
ASI perfusion-weighted images show similar lung features and Image quality.
Preliminary results from pulmonary embolism patients indicate that arteria
l spin labeling is sensitive for the detection of areas of perfusion defici
t. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;13:954-959. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.