Rehabilitation experts have been addressing the problem of accommodating di
sabled workers in the workplace for many years. When these disabled workers
return to work, accomplishing the tasks they performed prior to their disa
bility can present a serious challenge. Meeting this challenge successfully
requires that employers provide accommodations at the workplace so that th
e disabled workers can continue to contribute efficiently to the operation
of the enterprise. Disabilities that are caused by amputations are quite cr
itical. The severity of the injury in terms of loss of a limb and the costs
associated with accommodations make this type of disability extremely sign
ificant. This paper deals with accommodating "permanent partial" and "perma
nent total disabilities " due to amputations. The paper is divided into two
main parts. The first part focuses on the causes of amputations, types, an
d difficulties that an amputee faces in the work environment. In this part,
an understanding of the amputee physiology has been developed. The second
part of the paper addresses the various measures that employers may, take i
n accommodating the amputees at the workplace. Design guidelines are provid
ed to make the workplace suitable for the amputees.