In this study, we investigated the distribution of the standard form of the
CD44 (CD44s) cell adhesion molecule and of its v3 and v6 isoforms in sampl
es of foetal and adult parotid gland tissue, in comparison with samples of
parotid gland adenomas and carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma. Foetal parotid
gland showed CD44s and CD44v3 expression in the peripheral small primordia
l ducts and acini, while CD44v6 was only focally expressed. Adult parotid g
land tissue showed a similar distribution of CD44s and variants, with a pre
dominant expression in acinar structures and a weaker expression at duct le
vel. In parotid gland adenomas, a diffuse and intense expression of CD44s a
nd variants 3 and 6 was observed only in pleomorphic adenomas, while expres
sion of CD44s was prevalent in Warthin's tumour, myoepithelioma and oncocyt
oma. The malignant areas of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma showed a marke
dly decreased expression of CD44v3 and CD44v6 in comparison with the adjace
nt pleomorphic adenoma component. In conclusion, the prevalent expression o
f CD44s and variants in pleomorphic adenoma in comparison with other adenom
as may be related to the abundant extracellular matrix production present i
n these tumours, while loss of CD44v3 and CD44v6 associated with the onset
of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma could promote stromal invasion, eventua
lly contributing to the development of distant metastases.